Welcome. VFW Post 2123 holds its monthly membership meeting the second Tuesday of the month at 1900 hours, 7:00 pm, in the Elks Lodge ballroom at 466 Front Royal Pike Winchester, VA 22602. We welcome any qualified veteran to attend and join our Post. We currently have over two hundred members and we are always looking to add to that number. Our post is active in the community, conducting essay contests at the Middle and High School levels, with a coloring contest for Elementary School. We are a member of the Top of Virginia Chamber so that we can collaborate with business leaders in our area. We conduct Job Fairs for veterans and the wider community that connect job seekers and employers. We participate in the Vietnam War Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day ceremonies that are open to the public. We are a member of the Northern Shenandoah Valley Community Veterans Engagement Board that brings non-profit and veteran businesses together for the purpose of serving veterans in our community. Join with us and find out where you fit in.

- Veterans Dinner ShowTue, Apr 26

vfw post 2123 officers
From right to left - Rich Petro, Post Commander, Camille Nemr, Senior Vice Commander, Claudia Bell, Junior Vice Commander, Charles Hunter, Quartermaster, Ed Henry, Trustee, Richard Dehaven, Trustee, Leroy Donald, Trustee, Paul Campbell, Chaplin, not pictured.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by
what we give.
– Winston Churchill